1. Historical background and concepts
1a. Stories of societies which succeeded or collapsed 1b. The UN process – from Stockholm to Johannesburg 1c. Understanding sustainable development 1d. What we believe in – our values and sustainable development
7. Mobility
7a. A culture of mobility 7b. Means of mobility – technology and systems 7c. Freight 7d. Policies and management of mobility
2. Energy use and climate impact
2a. Energy supply and use 2b. Energy use and climate change 2c. Climate policies 2d. Energy management strategies
8. Human welfare and sustainable lifestyle
8a. Demography and population change 8b. Welfare 8c. Social sustainability, happiness and the one-planet-life
3. Resources and limits to growth
3a. History of resource flows 3b. Limits to growth 3c. Measuring and managing resource flows
9. The political dimensions of sustainability
9a. Governance and democracy 9b. International cooperation and world order 9c. Making and implementing sustainable development politics
4. Urbanization
4a. Urbanization 4b. The sustainable city 4c. Urban management
10. Economy and sustainable development
10a. Economy and ecology – a single system 10b. The dilemma of economic growth 10c. Tools for approaching a sustainable economy
5. Sustainable production and consumption
5a. Manufacturing – sustainable production 5b. Consumption – sustainable use of products 5c. Waste management – sustainable end-of-life of products
11. Changes and management
11a. The processes of individual change 11b. Social change and transitions of societies 11c. Managing change
6. Life and land, food and fibres
6a. The living world 6b. Land and water 6c. Agriculture and food 6d. Forests and fibres
12. Education
12a. The politics of ESD 12b. Teaching sustainable development – A guide for teachers 12c. Learning sustainable development – A guide for learners